Sunday, May 13, 2018

Love - the Next Chapter

Did you know getting married when you are older can be fabulous?
So, how many people who get married in Las Vegas have been married before? How many people do you think get married again after middle age?

Sometimes the love of your life comes to you when you least expect it. 
How is it someone could come along later in life and fill you with so much joy, love and excitement giving you the zest to wake up everyday if only to see what they are doing? Happy people attract happy people.  And so it is. It happens. Very often. Very, very often. 

If we are lucky (blessed), life gives another chance with someone who seems to be the apple of your eye, the spring in your step, the butter to your toast or you just seem to be MFEO (made for each other). This beautiful being seems to be the one who has loved you the most. Okay well, I hope that happens to you anyway, if need be.

Yes, I would say more than half the weddings I coordinated were not first marriages and perhaps a quarter of all the weddings were those of people who waited for the best that was yet to be.

So, you're probably saying where'd all these people meet up with each other. They probably don't want me to tell their secrets, but . . . it happened at the old folks home, they were neighbors growing up, their kids fixed them up, they wrote for the same media outlet and  they bumped into one another getting on a plane to Paris. One just never knows just what tomorrow will bring. . .

Cheers & Love always,

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