Some of us remember the box cameras which couples purchased for each table so that guests could take photos of the events on their own. Now in the digital era, there are numerous new ways for guests and couples to share photos of the wedding. With new ways of doing things come new rules of etiquette.

For couples, it is wonderful to post announcements about a change in relationship status or to post a picture of an engament ring; however, it's nice to clue in close family members first. There are many ways to communicate effectively with your wedding party and anyone else you care to inform. Many couples start their own wedding websites to update the party on upcoming pre-wedding and post-wedding events. Likewise, many couples choose a hashtag# for their wedding posts/tweets and ask everyone who posts about their wedding to use it too. To update your social media family during your event, ask someone you trust to post for you.
For guests, it is nice to take photos of things the bride and groom would appreciate seeing later. Years, before I got married. I caught a handheld bouquet at a wedding, I took it home and put it in water and displayed it on the coffee table in my living room. Later I sent a picture of the bouquet to the bride and she really appreciated the thought. One caviat with taking photos at weddings and posting them on social media, be sure that you have the couple's permission first, they may not want to share the day with everyone and they may want to consider the feelings of the people who were not invited.
It's a fabulous time for weddings anywhere in the world and especially in Vegas!
Have a great week!
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